Friday, February 25, 2011
Here is a fantastic video on the Avatar concept---it is quite different than the movie folks!! The movie took the concept way out of context although the story was great in my opinion
Also see below on Mother Meera, one of many Avatars I have personally worked with and I have written about the last two years or more.
DR rama
Mother Meera's Darshan
Mother Meera as I have written before is a pure being of Light, an Avatar who bestows direct light awakening through her gaze, will, word, and touch. She bestows this in silence one at a time in her programs.
please see
Please also see the video of the avatar on and I posted it just above the mother Meera post.
As I have written before, her presence is very rare upon this planet.
Few of this magnitude come here; for often, other such similar beings in higher worlds do not concern themselves with uplifting humanity; they remain in higher spheres. She has the ability to awaken our dormant bodies, Soul, mind and heart and kundalini energy directly through the highest inner Light.
She is an extraordinary Soul and bestows her grace in silence. Patiently and meticulously with great love and care--- and without fail, as a gift to humanity she bestows this Light to several hundred at a time. One need not even be in her physical presence---she maintains that one only think of her and ask for her help and it is given in its own time. See her website for more details
Imagine the immensity and strength she has to bear of the enormous force of the inner dormant Light. She has to be able to go to that level of Creation--merge with the infinite Light Source and turn around and pass it on to us a little at a time.
She is a forerunner of many who will come and do this kind of work.
There were many destined for work like this and to assist those who will bestow this kind of Light in the near future, but they have allowed deep darkness to interfere with their original purpose--
They have allowed themselves to be corrupted within the heart.--and they are a slave to fear and their own resistance--and so can remain stuck. These include Indigo Souls, Crystal and Rainbow Souls (from the late 1970's onward) that I have written about and where I have put many videos on.
Yet, such souls still have the ability to awaken and heal and move back to their path of healing, health, Light bestowal, other services and so much more---however they have to want it and show by example that they want the path of Light.
People like Mother never force anything or force people to do anything at all.
A person has to want to turn to Light, has to want to transform, uplift and heal. They have to come to a point to realize that nothing except Light and Love is going to help in life and living. They have to wake up to make their own sustained changes in their lives; no one can do it for them and they must reach out through their own volition. Some people are literally brought to their hands and knees to know this by the Universe, while others easily understand and proceed along their own path. Those that enjoy and remain in the dark are learning valuable lessons; however all Avatars and others do say that one day all turn to Light. It is only a matter of time. In can happen in this moment or it can take eons.
It is our free will that decides; it is the meter by which we evolve and grow.
And, we are all making choices at any given moment no matter who we are.
Dr. R
Thursday, February 24, 2011
"Change The World" by One Million V-Star Children & Howard McCrary
WATCH THIS! What an incredible video from the Dhammakaya foundation---Children are the most precious gems in the world. We must all work for the protection and upliftment and enlightenment of children, not contribute more to their suffering.---Great karma ensues for allowing children to suffer,---globally and individually.
Children and all of us do have the power to change the world.
Group consciousness has a ripple effect in this world--knowingly and unknowingly --see the video on the Ripple Effect below also from
As bhagavan and amma have said and many others also even a few hundred thousand or million has an effect on the consciousness of the whole planet--knowingly and unknowingly upon our minds and hearts. Watching these kids how can we not as individuals realize there is the possibility of transformation? It is there if we reach and even if we do not, the Universe never lets us stand still. No one can escape transformation and change.
Dr. R
The Twin Flame Blessing
Fortunate for those when they are both in the physical together on the same planet countless millions do not get this opportunity for eons up on eons of time; even more fortunate when there is recognition of each other. Highest fortune is present when there is action taken when both Souls and hearts have this inner knowing and listen to the voice of the heart.---dr. r
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