Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Bubble of Light

Bridge of Light

Love and the Mirror Experience

Forgiveness - The Exquisite Healer Part II

Forgiveness - The Exquisite Healer Part I

The Mighty Breath


New Day

Attachment and Letting Go

Life and Death

Positive and Negative Thought

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Monkey Takes Care Of Tiger Cubs

We have the opportunity to wake up to the intelligence, feelings, and emotions of animals. They are not "lower" than us, but rather another way of thinking is that they are just a different expression of consciousness, here for a purpose like all of us. In I put on some videos that show just what global humanity is still doing in the name of food with many animals. We have the choice to wake up and really understand compassion and higher thinking and feeling. We have to decide for ourselves after watching and understanding what really happens in the animal produce industry.

Dr. Rama

Dolphins, The Chelas of the Seas

Dolphins (IMAX® Trailer) - Music by Sting

Surfing Dolphins @ Jeffreys Bay- BBC Dolphins: Deep Thinkers

White Tiger Cubs Found New Momma!! - Woody Guthrie Brown eyes

Monkey babysitter

Bulldog Kisses Orangutan

Saturday, March 5, 2011

One Voice

Please see the other three related videos below and a new blog on thanks  Can we live with ourselves knowing that exploitation and countless other atrocities and other known and unknown activities are occuring around the world, often with those underprivileged nations' peoples?

The only solution is to raise our own consciousness to help the plight of countless innocents who are seeking a better life but then get caught by others taking advantage of them, even in our own country in numberless ways.. By raising consciousness, the collective consciousness of mankind will awaken and evolve also, and by doing so such negative and wicked actions will reduce and cease upon this planet. 

We do our part by our own spiritual and material practice of helping others and even this goes a long way.

Please see the other few videos below and many others I have put on.

Healing the Hearts of Humanity


Please see the other two videos below and a new blog on obstacle removal, creativity, and abundance Part 1 on

When we compromise our integrity, honesty,
dignity compassion, intuition (knowing what we know yet we do and say nothing)-  and--Self-esteem------our Soul is lost and fragmented
we have the opportunity to own this heal and reintegrate ourselves---- and start a new life--the issue is that we have to WANT it.

Humanity Healing: Do Not Call Me A Stranger

see also below for a new video on global humanity.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gayatri Mantra - For All People

This mantra is very useful and soothing to help heal emotions, thoughts, feelings and issues re: abuse and misuse of any kind.  Allow anything to well up from inside the heart --be it tears, shouting, anything to help release and clear---make sure you are safe and if not seek professional help as well.

It means, "May we mediate on the glory of the being that produced this Universe------ may he/she enlighten our minds".......


The Beaten Heart

We can be victimize but ultimately we are not victims--There is always something to learn and grow from despite the pain and issues.  When we are in the middle of the fire, we are burning and we cannot see anything else.  We cannot see those who love us on one side of the fire and we cannot see the ones who have tortured us in one way or another on the other side of the fire.  Yet, we suffer in the fire because we all react to trauma and the beaten heart in our own unique way while in the fire.

Dr.  R-------------It is not our fault---that is the wounded child taking blame for something we had no control over ---at the time because we were where we were.

The Gift of Forgiveness

Forgive or at least be on the road to forgiving before the karmic doors of Fate close the doors and there is no further opportunity with that person until one leaves the body. And that too, there is no guarantee of an immediate meeting.

Who knows? By then, the person may take another birth or may go into a higher dimension that we are not allowed in, and then we have to wait eons of eons upon eons to forgive and to receive forgiveness. And we may have to reincarnate with that person at a much later time in often worse circumstances.

We are all humans we are flawed by virtue of the ego. We have all made so- called mistakes that are in essence learning lessons to those we have hurt and who have hurt us. The point is to own them and then bring them to the Light.--The Light is all pervasive and infinitely loving:  it sees all, knows all, bears all--it knows past present and future simultaneously-

We have to release through the power of forgiveness if we want truly lasting peace. This is the first step to create a mature relationship with others and ourselves.

The skeletons from our closets need to be buried properly. The dead weight around us needs to be cremated. We need to rise out of the ashes like a phoenix into a new life.

Previous harsh words, actions, and choices that have deeply affected another's heart and vice versa all can be offered to the Light.

If it is possible, it is best to speak directly to that group or person unless it would harm them in some way.

However our guidance will tell us when and if it is safe.

Most of the time the other person or parties do want to heal if they are in touch with their hearts as well.

No real blessings and love can arise for us if we are haunted by our own hearts with unresolved feelings and sharings that do need to take place through the need to forgive and be forgiven.

If it is not possible to be directly with that person then we have to practice inside our hearts, as these videos beautifully illustrate....

Dr. R