Monday, April 18, 2011

a hummingbird in the bush is worth -

It's a Small World -

Inspirational Video: Power of One

One person can make a difference - saving our planet

ONE person can make a difference...what are YOU waiting for?

Blessings for the World's Servers

Healing the Hearts of Humanity 2009

Fluorosis Crisis In India

Karunamayi's main project in 2011 from the heart is to help these people in Andrah Pradesh India with very severe water issues. This is one example of many that Karunamayi has dedicated her entire life in embracing the suffering of the world . DR. R

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Amma Karunamayi in Dallas April 13-17th--Some IntroductoryVideo Tributes to Karunamayi-from You Tube --Dr. R

Best introductions:
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Examples of Amma bestowing healing energy and reading prayer requests an example of hundreds and hundreds of thousands of healings
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Video tribute

Click on and view a tribute to karunamayi, thanks dr. r
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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ancestral Healing

Be the hero not the victim.  Wake up into enlightenment--seek higher Light that will clean out the DNA--from many sources now available.  Stop the dark family secrets and other behaviors in this lifetime; that is part of a lightworkers role by transforming ourselves..  By doing so 7 generations are benefitted knowingly and unknowingly according to the mystics.

Let us not make the same  mistakes our relatives did--especially abuse and misuse and other dark traits..  Even if we went through these things, should others suffer based in our pain?    Although there can be initial fear, it is only temporary.  It is replaced by peace, Light, and love and whole new way of living and thinking. 

The Awakening of The Cosmic Heart (The Core Rainbow)

Light Body Development and DNA

Light Body Development and DNA Part 2


Kaizen: Stepping Stones for Change

Nepsis, the Gift of an Awakened Mind

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Icarus Paradigm

May we all learn the lessons we need to learn from the Icarus paradigm. This is a repost, and there are more of my writings below reposted. Dr. R