Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Sri Amma Darshan Special (2)
Now is the time,,,,2012 to wake up into the inner Light, the Divine Kundalini---now is the time to meditate with a being like Amma and the many other Amma's (Divine Mothers) in the world and so many others who are embracing their real inner power light and love......
Now is the time to make real eye contact with those that really matter and continue to communicate with them and look away and permanently walk away from dark and useless people who have only led us to more misery and our own suffering.
It is now time,,,the Universe has unprecedented Light that is here for our awakening and unfolding into a new life if we choose to do so.
Dr. R
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Sri Guru Ashtakam with English translation
This beautiful chant was written by Adi Shankaracharya, one of the greatest beings of Light who was born in medieval times. He emphasizes our need for humility in life. It does not matter who we are, without humility --life is meaningless because our ego will always run out of control.
The song goes on to emphasize that we need to respect and honor those of enlightenment, realization, wisdom ---those whose kundalini is awake and ones who can bestow this to others like a candle lighting another candle.
The refrain is "what is the use, when we cannot bow before a teacher of enlightenment?" Meaning, what is the use of us when we do not have the humility to honor ourselves by honoring those who are there to guide and uplift us in the Light?"-----
The only purpose of real Guru like Mataji---Nirmala Devi is to Selflesslessly awaken others so that their lives can manifest inner Light.....
This song is truly worth contemplating,,,particularly those who know they are supposed to be in Light but find themselves in the Dark. Those who have a noble mission but have wandered away from their original blueprint.
Dr. R
Shri Mataji - Stay With Me
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was one of the greatest Kundalini Shaktipat Divine Mothers of her times. Here is a recent video from Sahaja Yoga.
She was a pioneer in bringing Shaktipat --the descent of Divine Energy to thousands upon thousands of people She passed on into the High Light and the Unseen fairly recently.
I had the privilege of receiving this energy from her, as one of my guides and mentors. Unknowing that she passed on ---the very night she did I had a long dream the entire night about her and with her people.
The next day, I got word of her passing.
This is the greatest gift of a Spiritual Mother, Master, Teacher, Awakened Being in the Light and or an awakened Twin Flame---their essence never leaves us after they do their miraculous work of bestowing the awakening and the unfolding of our own Kundalini and inner Higher Self.
Dr. R
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Twin Flame Love
I put this on because it is a beautiful explanation of Twin Flames. However when the Dark undermines Twin Flame Connection, or when one Twin simply cannot or will not come forward, and does nothing to share or speak in a real and authentic way,,,,(for millions of reasons) then the other Twin has no choice but to go on in life. That is when the Universe steps in and will bring in as close a Twin Flame as possible with someone else or an even higher level of Twin Flame----
This is called High Flame----or High Soul Mate,,,,almost Twin but not quite, yet the two can still be perfect for each other. Or, an even Higher level of Twin can enter our lives.....
The Universe is infinitely compassionate. When there was a destiny and blueprint for two Twins to be together, but when one walks away and remains in the Dark, stays stuck, remains disempowered and in fear, stays with those who are no good for them (and they know this deep down), continues to make dark or lackluster choices (even though they know they have a higher purpose)--remains addicted, or does not come forward, then the other Twin who sincerely tried to help or be there for them is granted by the Divine someone else to replace the Twin who does not come forward.
The energy of 2012 and beyond will do either of two things: It will help speed up and rapidly help us evolve our consciousness in a positive way or will accelerate our negative karma and create more problems for us if we do not consciously and sincerely choose to wake up.---particularly when we know better, yet remain in situations and with people we know are not benefiting our overall growth and well-being.
Dr. R
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