Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sri Amma Bhagavan - Day of Love Special meditation on August 15th 2012.mp4

Today is Sri Amma's birthday and a time when her grace, energy and love pour through transmissions of kundalini energy around the world.  Here she and Bhagavan are giving a special heart deeksha now on You tube that was done from India.  It is said that when a great Master or Divine Mother's birthday is honored and celebrated, vast energy is transmitted to those receptive for upliftment, healing and blessing.

On there are many Oneness Blessing givers giving open eye transmission of Source energy to awaken the kundalini energy....all explained on

Dr. R

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Deva Premal - Tibetan Mantras for Turbulent Times

Dhanvantari mantra for healing

Chanting and listening to the Dhavantari Mantras--the archetypal deity of healing, health, medicine, Spirituality, holistic thinking, walking away from the Dark. and..embracing the Light brings us to a place to begin nullifying our negative karma that has kept us bound for centuries upon centuries.  As we contemplate healing and health we gradually become healthy and whole---simple yet complex.  This androgynous figure is often depicted holding the book of healing knowledge, passed on through study and meditation as well as Grace; the herbs and plants from Nature that have the innate power to heal---the nectarean pot of Divine Light or Ambrosia that invokes spontaneous miracle level healing, and the conch shell which bears the Divine inner Sounds and music that translate into thoughts and ideas for the evolution of health and healing ----unique for each planet.  

Dr. R

Dhanwantri Gayatri , Ashtotram, Mantra and Stotram - with English sub-ti...

This rare set of chants, less known even in India and the Far East, invokes the inner light of Dhanvantari,,,,the archetypal deity of health and healing.  It invokes the power of all of our life forces including immunity.  Each of our powers in our body and mind is divinely given to each and every being---the miracle of this Universe--ie the life force.  Dhanvantari represents the ability of body and mind to heal itself and the preventive, secret methods that foster inner and outer healing---locked within plants, minerals, spiritual practices, various treatments and turning in the Direction of Light.

Dr. R

Dhanwanthari Suprabatham

Listening to the Dhanvatari Healing Mantras is like pouring liquid light upon us.  The sounds from this archetypal deity, the image of pure Health and healing allows us to burn up our negative karma and understand, embrace and imbibe what is real and true healthy living:  physical, mental, spiritual and emotional.  Its energy is the root of Ayurveda--the most ancient form of Medicine that is known on this planet.

Dr R