Thursday, April 26, 2012

Radhe Maa

'Radhe Maa' - 'Maa Bhagwati Jagaran 2011'

Every Divine Being, Divine Mother, Guru, and so on have their own unique way of receiving others and celebrating life.  Radhe Maa embibes the "Goddess and Queen"  energy---where everything is a celebration.  Just her presence alone uplifts all around.  "Darshan" means ---to "see"---by honoring someone who is an illumined state while in a body, we also elevate our level of consciousness.

Darshan is a timeless practice over eons and eons of time on countless planets and worlds where higher level beings often visit in body form to receive and uplift those upon that planet destined to meet and interact with them.

As I have been posting there are many around the world with many styles and attributes, bestowing their gifts to global humanity in these unprecedented times of expanding consciousness and human potential.

Dr. R

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Govind Bolo Hari Gopal Bolo

       Here is a beautiful rendition of chanting to Radha and Krishna--the Divine Male and Female essences that are ignited inside ourselves in the deep recesses in the heart----Dr R

Buddham Saranam Gacchami- The Triple Gem by IndiaJiva

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Radhe Maa

The Divine Mother is manifesting everywhere!  This is a fantastic video of Radhe Maa, an incarnation of the Divine Mother in the form of Radha and Durga......born in a complete state Source, (unfathomable to the human mind) she is influencing and uplifting countless millions around the world.....

She looks like a classic North Indian Marble statue of the Goddesses.... The Divine is clever in giving her this body!  

In the West, many do not understand that Divine Avatars are directly worshipped not for their body, but for the State and the Divine Light they bring down to the Earth plane.  And, such beings are with us today---not just some 2000 years ago in the form of Jesus, Buddha and others.  They are here now and will always manifest for Divine purposes known to them and the Source....they manifest in all dimensions, spheres and planets to help uplift those who inhabit various realms and to help lead them back into the remebrance and state of Light and Oneness from which we all descended from.

Dr Rama

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mother Meera Photos with Quotes

Mother Meera - The Divine Bringer of Light

One Love, One Heart, One Truth (Embrace 4)

"LOVE" - Documentary (1 of 2)

Interview with Sri Amma

trailer for DARSHAN: a film about Amma by Jan Kounen

Mirabai Devi Darshan Introduction

Life Continues Forever - May 8, 2000 Seoul, Korea (In English+Korean) (1/2)

Life Continues Forever - May 8, 2000 Seoul, Korea (In English+Korean) (2/2)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Twin Souls: When Love Incarnates

Remember always that Twin Flames and High Flames meet when they are nearing the end of their journey upon physical dimensions before permanently returning to the non-physical realms.  They have spectacular work to do upon the planet in large and small ways (and for themselves) and they meet in the physical to complete their karma over countless eons and eons of time.  They have met in all dimensions and have lived lives upon planets and spheres that are beyond description. Yet some choose Earth to come and bless the planet with their gifts talents and abilities in synchronized shared energies.

It is truly great when they do come together in this way.

It is a critical time that has to be protected by guides, guardians, angels, beings in the Light, gurus, Divine Mother beings, and so on in the NOW time when they meet or the days, weeks, months and years of getting to know each other and during their growing up years---- because their rendevous can be interfered with by the contamination that is upon this planet from many sources and forces and misguidance of their own Free Will.

When the Dark interferes and blocks their journey, then there is much that does not take place and so it is up to the Divine Time Keepers and Destiny to find another window in which they can play out their roles---sometimes thousands of years go by before this is possible.

That is why whether someone is in our lives or not, it is vital to consider always being in the Light to be the highest that we can be. 

Sometimes (Aries, Leo, and Taurian) stubborness, fear, past karma and other themes keep them apart.  Sometimes it is because one or both wait too long and too much time passes; they assume the other person will always be there when it may not be so---(The Universe does not wait forever and delay the other person) when in reality all they had to do was to reach out sincerely and with humility to share feelings, ideas, thoughts, and expressions.

Sometimes it is the Dark that literally interferes and sabotages their meetings and reunions. 

It can go to extremes: 

Remember those Light beings (who were supposed to serve the world and be with Light Workers and other High Flames, Twin Flames and so on) who succumb to the Dark and remain in the Dark or who go in and out of the Dark--- often have very dark entity attachments, that influence body, mind and emotions----evil, low beings feeding off of their Light. 

Thus, these Light beings carry much negative karma; they harbor very dark thought forms and carry the darkness of those they associate with in their own auric field; they have blocked and torn chakras and auric fields that fall prey to lower ethereal entities that influence and attach to the their weak spots and can even take over the lives of these high Light Workers. 

Sometimes it is not even the original person we know and love in the Light, but rather one or many dark entities that are coming through that person.  Their eyes tell all--they can look glassy eyed, and even "programmed."  They have a far away look, there is a blankness and an emptiness--sometimes they look like a hollow image walking around like an automaton-The person looks gaunt, sickly, haggered, withered, with black circles- and premature aging.....their skin is sallow and not healthy nor is the rest of their health--- they are not themselves; their inner luster is diminished; their judgment and insight can be impaired. Addictions on top of that are destroying their vital, sacred life force:  Ojas, Chi Energy, or Prana is deeply disturbed. depleted, and unbalanced...  Everything can appear okay on the surface but behind closed doors they are depressed and anxious and feel very lost.

It is not a comfortable feeling to look at them; in fact, it can be frightening, disheartening, discouraging, and truly sad to see such bright, bright beings who are supposed to do service work in the world succumb to the mischief of the Dark....  Their pure Soul or Light is trapped and controlled by these beings-they have "Soul fragmentation"-the real person cannot come forward because they are splintered by these dark attachments---and these Dark entities prevent them from reaching out to supporters in the Light, Soul Mates, Twin Flames, Kindred Spirits and others----addictions and physical dark characters they associate with wreak havoc on the brain and body, emotions and Spirit--- while ethereal and subtle disembodied entities with dark and harmful dark thought forms ensconce their control even more upon that person as a result and further add more to the problem.  Such dark ethereal beings feed off of the sexual energy and pure bright Light of the one they possess or are in control of, they enjoy the addictive high of the person--because they are attached to the brain and nerve centers of the one they are wreaking havoc upon.  Even the physical bad company that these Light beings associate with in their day to day ---feed off of their Light (that is supposed to be for service in the world and to offer to someone who is their true Soul Mate or High or Twin Flame) and for others who truly care about them. 

The Light being who has been misled.... may or may not be aware of all that is taking place, already weakened by years of abuse, misuse, addictions, association with dark controlling relationships, negative environments and people, deeply draining sexual activities, dark actions and so on.--Or sometimes they are troubled by nightmares, sometimes they see and hear things that are frightening, can have disturbing images, and they know that something is extremely off balance....

There are many superbly gifted Light beings, including many Indigo children who are now adults in their late 20's into their early 40's---particularly those right now in their early thirties-the ones who are hovering around age 35 or just below-- and others as I have written before who have been blocked and held back by the Dark, trapped by the illusion around them that prevents them from really being who they are and what they came here to do for the world, especially from 2012 onwards,,,,,,,,.

The only hope and release is for that Soul to exert their free will and come back into Light. They have to be the custodians of their own body and mind and not allow these entities to be around them.  And, when they are weakened, it is vital to seek the guidance and direction of those that can heal the inner and outer bodies and redirect the Soul back to its purpose and pure mission.

Twin Souls, High Flames, Soul Mates, Kindred Spirits, (who have for the most part remained in the Light and have not been influenced over the years)--- workers in the Light, true friends, relatives, and others can only offer their love and light until such a person seeks help through their own free will --and is not playing lip service and seeing all this as a game---- but really has a deep seeded desire to come into Light and Love in the high and right way.

It takes the love of a guru, advanced light worker, group of lightworkers, Divine Mother and others to really help be a facilitator for someone to remember who they are and literally come out of the Dark.   Often a Twin Flame, High Flame, Soul Mate, or Kindred Spirit can assist as the theme song of this blog posts alludes to on many levels.

Words to the above Song, from "The Last of the Mohicans....."

Hope is our survival

A captive path I lead.

No matter where you go
I will find you
If it takes a long long time
No matter where you go
I will find you
If it takes a thousand years.


No matter where you go
I will find you
In the place with no frontiers
No matter where you go
I will find you
If it takes a thousand years.

Hale wú yu ga I sv
Do na dio sv i
Wi ja lo sv
Ha le wú yu
Do na dlo sv.

No matter where you go
I will find you
If it takes a long long time
No matter where you go
I will find you
If it takes a thousand years.

No matter where you go
I will find you
In the place with no frontiers
No matter where you go
I will find you
If it takes a thousand years.

No matter where you go..
I will find you..
Songwriters: Brennan, Ciaran

An Inspiring Story from the 700 Club--in Coming into the Light and Heart--Dr. R

This is a very inspiring clip from the  700 club and a very beautiful story.   Dr. R---hope it inspires those affected in similar or related situations  It is my feeling and deep knowing that some reading these blogs have gone through similar or related situations and I am here to say that my intention of healing and support does go out to themThis blogpost is only intention is to uplift, transform, support and inspire and to show that help of all kinds is out there for those open ---with this and all other areas of body, mind and Spirit.  There is no other purpose for this blog.  I included the other humanity healing posts again below to say that there are angelic beings out there who are guiding and helping those who have found themselves in these difficult abusive situations and for so many other reasons and that finding our Star Seed and Soul Family Group helps us understand that we have connections here that do love us and want to help us if we are open.

Also the work of Louise  Hay and many others I have posted now and many times before help in many seen and unseen ways.

Dr R

New Living in Light Trailer with Neale Donald Walsch