Monday, December 26, 2011

Feeding the Homeless

Dr. Pillai also known as "Shiva Baba" is an extraordinary South Indian Spiritual Master of Light who works on many levels to help awaken our light body and our hearts as a whole.  He has the Pillai Center for Mind Science--and is the guru for Dr. Wayne Dyer and many others.  In this video he and a few of his students are casually feeding the homeless in San Francisco.  These acts bring extraordinary good karma for us---

The chant in the background is an ancient Sanskrit-- prayer that invokes the blessing of nourishment and food to the needy and to the humanity as a whole--even the vibrations are soothing---to hear.

Let us help the poor and the needy--not make fun of them.  If we are making fun of them --we are only projecting our own pain and brokenness upon others......who knows? One day we could be homeless too, morbidly obese and so on----mysterious are the ways of Karma---- and then where would we be?

Yesterday I followed a homeless person in the cold I saw in the street ---and he was searching garbage bins--- I gave him some dollars and checked to see if he was going to the Salvation Army..the other week there were some homeless people with no legs in wheelchairs at 5 am---near Starbucks---it truly was heart wrenching---and again I tried to help in whatever small way I does not matter how many we help--we just have to deal with what is right in front of us.....even if it is one person---that is a start.---I feel.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

12 Days of Christmas, Day 10

12 Days of Christmas, Day 9

The 12 Days of Christmas, Day 7

My sincere wish is that we do not make fun of or judge others but understand all by trying to empathize with their story and life.  Let us all not project our own negativity and insecurities upon others in the form of ridicule, gossip and so on.  ---It only reflects badly on us.  Let us all strive for kindness.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Tina Turner - "Children Beyond" - Release date October 7th 2011

Tina Turner - Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu - "Children Beyond" - HD Clip 2011

Origin: Hindhuism
Language: Sanskrit

Lyrics :

Om Om Om
Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu
Sarvesham Shantir Bhavatu
Sarvesham Poornam Bhavatu
Sarvesham Mangalam Bhavatu

Om, Shanti, Shanti, ShantiThe song means:

"May well-being, peace, wholeness and tranquility, hapiness and prosperity be achieved by all".

Sing it for peace of all sensitive beings, for calmness and harmony"

Video: Xaver Walser
Music: Regula Curti & Roland Frey
Video- Cip Editing: Benjamin Degrese

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Knowing When You've Found Your Spiritual Teacher

The Importance of a Spiritual Teacher

Manorama - Role of a Spiritual Teacher

Manorama is one of the most remarkable women of our times. A meditation Master in her own right she is in a continuous state of wisdom knowledge, peace and happiness. She is respected around the the world. I had the wonderful opportunity to be with her recently in Dallas---She is utmost respectful, kind and understanding and a remarkably clear teacher. Her clarity is remarkable. She has an astounding knowledge of the Sanksrit language and Hindu lore and culture.---Inspired by her guru, Swami Brahmananda

Truly one should spend some time with her as she does come to Dallas and Texas fairly often.

Dr. Rama

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Om Tryambakam - The LIfe-Giving Prayer

Published in May Originally, this mantra is ideal for healing and protection...see

the entry on for the review of its meaning.

Just listening to this fosters a sense of mental peace, well-being and energetic protection for the sensitivities of the heart

dr. r

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Abraham Hicks - Rampage of Appreciation

Abraham-Hicks: A Rampage of Allowing

Abraham: GETTING INTO THE VORTEX: THE BIG ONE - Esther & Jerry Hicks

Abraham: I'M IN THE VORTEX - Esther & Jerry Hicks


Abraham Hicks - Rampage of Love

ABRAHAM HICKS Finding Your Passion


Abraham Hicks - Vortex Relationships - Part 1 of 2

Abraham Hicks - Vortex Relationships - Part 2 of 2

Abraham Hicks- How does the perfect relationship feel ?


Sunday, August 7, 2011

How To Soothe Your Insecurities - Abraham Hicks

Here is a very good clip from Esther and Jerry Hicks, globally known teachers of the energy known as "Abraham"--- on You tube.  The last several minutes are especially interesting......  I have put on some on some of their intro videos on the other blog--- essence of spirit with dr. Rama before.   We do not have control over others' treatment of us but their treatment of us reflects something about ourselves.  When we change and transform within when we recognize it is something about "us" we are not doing it for the other person, we are doing it for ourselves.  In our transformation, if that other person is evolving then they have the opportunity to resonate with us in a positive way.  However, it is not important whether they evolve or not or recognize us or not.  The point is that we are growing and changing for our own sake.

Esther is able to bring forward the cosmic intelligence known as "Abraham" who is a remarkable group energy that guides and teaches.  This clip is great for those who deal with various people in life who show them reflections to learn from.

Their basic teachings are the law of attraction:  we attract in our life what we want or do not want in one way or another; we are Source energy and extensions of Source in body and thus master creators of our destinies; we have to move into the "Vortex"  a place of coordinated creative energies and the place of enlightenment to rediscover joy and every other positive aspects of Self, and that our purpose in life is to basically feel good---We have the ability to move away from anything and everything that makes us feel bad and to move into a place of good. We focus on what we want and not on what we do not.  We do anything and everything to feel good --in any way positive and leave behind and not focus on "what is" in our lives to realize that "what is" is only NOW.  By focusing on what we want---whatever we ultimately desire will come to us through our vibrational eschrow we have inside us:  the summary of what we are wanting. If we keep focusing on 'what is" we keep perpetuating what we do not want or we do not grow and expand from what we already have. We all  create a "vibrational eschrow"  where we place anything and everything into this that will take root and plant in one way or another because the Law of Attraction will bring it in in the right timing.

More Later Dr. R

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Magic of Rebirth/Wisdom of the Eagles.

Gr8 Motivational Clip - Even Eagles needs a Push.

If we are fortunate we have had "eagles"or at least one in our lives who have tried to push us out of our nests and comfort zones out of love and compassion.  Did we or have we listened?  Such people are our true friends, comrades, twin souls and others who have sacrificed much for us.  Have we appreciated them?  Have we stopped for even a few minutes to reflect on what they have gone through to help us out of their own unconditional love; do we have any concept at all?  Have we played a deaf ear, maintained blinded sight and a closed heart?  Have  we reciprocated in any way by embracing Light and moving forward upon a path that is high and noble instead of just remaining a slave to the ego--and remaining in the thinking that we are not worthy to have a better life? Have we expressed any appreciation to them?  And what have they asked from us?  Nothing, except our own soaring and gliding into our own true power in Light, rather than hovering over and within the shadows of darkness.... Have we listened to our "inner eagle" inside our own being and opened our hearts in a way that serves our community and world in the highest and best way or are we still floundering about in the "nest" of illusion and delusion?--going down paths that are literally leading nowhere? 

Remember, if we do not fly out of the nest to embrace what we really came here to do upon this planet, the "parent eagle" flies away into their own lives and into their own realm and we are left to starve.  

Deep down we do know what we are supposed to be doing with our lives (ie something in Light and Service) and who we are supposed to be with (someone who matches true love and Light rather than someone who just gives us crumbs something more than just mutual use, misuse and abuse)--- or the type of person we should become and who we should be with. 

Our heart will always feel void and empty until we face our fears and come into our power and share that power and love with the right person.  No one can escape the message of the heart.  It will forever haunt us until we really listen and sometimes we have to go through very difficult and grave experiences to finally listen.

We will always feel something is missing no matter who we think we are fooling, we cannot ultimately fool others or ourselves.  We will always drift and wander here and there, person to person, relationship to relationship, dark choice to dark choice, career to career, hurting people and ourselves over and over unless we stop and just acknowledge our own heart and knowingness.  When we stop to be in and walk in Light then this emptiness vanishes.  When we release our stubborness and our ego we are pushed out of the nest.  Until then we remain co-dependent and a slave to our ego and what our limited mind thinks it wants and not knowing our own true power.  We stay in illusion at the expense of everything if that is the road we choose.

Dr. R

Motivational - Rebirth of an Eagle

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Through the Lens: Snow Goose Migration

Lessons of the Geese

see also for more inspirational messages on global humanity, healing and sacred teamwork.  It boils down to this:  are we causing harm to ourselves and to humanity through our selfish and wicked actions, are we indifferent to others, or are we rising to higher levels of consciousness for sacred teamwork to help this planet?

The heart knows--one cannot fool the heart--deep down we know what we are doing is wrong or right and whether we are growing and expanding or shrinking and fading away, wasting away our talents strengths and abilities.

RUN The Power of Team

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Peacock Presence

Peacocks are deeply mysterious and prized in mystic spirituality and the heart. Their feathers are able to carry heart and other forms of spiritual energy. For this reason, many ancient and modern spiritual teachers make a wand of peacock feathers and touch others with their blessing as the fabric of these feathers have the ability to carry spiritual energy.

The eyes of the feathers represent the spiritual eye and heart. They represent what is deep inside us all: ever new bliss, peace and love within these centers of meditation.

The peacock is the symbol of Saraswati the goddess of wisdom, creativity, humanities, science of all kinds, education, architecture, speech, articulation and all related subjects. ---and is thus considered deeply sacred.

However, many would not agree when they wake up to the sound of a peacock in the morning! However, even that shrill wake up sound symbolizes that our creativity needs to awaken from its slumber inside us.

Saraswati's energy is located at the tip of the tongue, known as the "Vak Nadhi" and subtly descends down the center of the spine to the fifth (throat) second chakra, the seat of creativity. The speech centers of the brain as well as some of the cranial nerves are subtly connected to the tongue and second chakra.

Supremely fortunate are those who awaken these centers. When one does one accesses unlimited creativity and ability to fully express one's personal power.

Those who are blocked have trouble and difficulties expressing who they are, and are stifled by not knowing their inner power. They suffer from severe Self esteem issues.

The peacock is the subtle symbol of this energy of Saraswati that ascends and descends through our bodies.

Its blue and green iridescent colors symbolize the colors experienced within the throat chakra and the heart in deep meditation---which are vehicles of expression of all aspects of creativity and our own inner power.

Dr. Rama

Peacock Display ( Cornwall Video Production )

Monday, April 18, 2011

a hummingbird in the bush is worth -

It's a Small World -

Inspirational Video: Power of One

One person can make a difference - saving our planet

ONE person can make a difference...what are YOU waiting for?

Blessings for the World's Servers

Healing the Hearts of Humanity 2009

Fluorosis Crisis In India

Karunamayi's main project in 2011 from the heart is to help these people in Andrah Pradesh India with very severe water issues. This is one example of many that Karunamayi has dedicated her entire life in embracing the suffering of the world . DR. R

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Amma Karunamayi in Dallas April 13-17th--Some IntroductoryVideo Tributes to Karunamayi-from You Tube --Dr. R

Best introductions:
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Examples of Amma bestowing healing energy and reading prayer requests an example of hundreds and hundreds of thousands of healings
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Video tribute

Click on and view a tribute to karunamayi, thanks dr. r
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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ancestral Healing

Be the hero not the victim.  Wake up into enlightenment--seek higher Light that will clean out the DNA--from many sources now available.  Stop the dark family secrets and other behaviors in this lifetime; that is part of a lightworkers role by transforming ourselves..  By doing so 7 generations are benefitted knowingly and unknowingly according to the mystics.

Let us not make the same  mistakes our relatives did--especially abuse and misuse and other dark traits..  Even if we went through these things, should others suffer based in our pain?    Although there can be initial fear, it is only temporary.  It is replaced by peace, Light, and love and whole new way of living and thinking. 

The Awakening of The Cosmic Heart (The Core Rainbow)

Light Body Development and DNA

Light Body Development and DNA Part 2


Kaizen: Stepping Stones for Change

Nepsis, the Gift of an Awakened Mind

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Icarus Paradigm

May we all learn the lessons we need to learn from the Icarus paradigm. This is a repost, and there are more of my writings below reposted. Dr. R

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Bubble of Light

Bridge of Light

Love and the Mirror Experience

Forgiveness - The Exquisite Healer Part II

Forgiveness - The Exquisite Healer Part I

The Mighty Breath


New Day

Attachment and Letting Go

Life and Death

Positive and Negative Thought

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Monkey Takes Care Of Tiger Cubs

We have the opportunity to wake up to the intelligence, feelings, and emotions of animals. They are not "lower" than us, but rather another way of thinking is that they are just a different expression of consciousness, here for a purpose like all of us. In I put on some videos that show just what global humanity is still doing in the name of food with many animals. We have the choice to wake up and really understand compassion and higher thinking and feeling. We have to decide for ourselves after watching and understanding what really happens in the animal produce industry.

Dr. Rama

Dolphins, The Chelas of the Seas

Dolphins (IMAX® Trailer) - Music by Sting

Surfing Dolphins @ Jeffreys Bay- BBC Dolphins: Deep Thinkers

White Tiger Cubs Found New Momma!! - Woody Guthrie Brown eyes

Monkey babysitter

Bulldog Kisses Orangutan

Saturday, March 5, 2011

One Voice

Please see the other three related videos below and a new blog on thanks  Can we live with ourselves knowing that exploitation and countless other atrocities and other known and unknown activities are occuring around the world, often with those underprivileged nations' peoples?

The only solution is to raise our own consciousness to help the plight of countless innocents who are seeking a better life but then get caught by others taking advantage of them, even in our own country in numberless ways.. By raising consciousness, the collective consciousness of mankind will awaken and evolve also, and by doing so such negative and wicked actions will reduce and cease upon this planet. 

We do our part by our own spiritual and material practice of helping others and even this goes a long way.

Please see the other few videos below and many others I have put on.

Healing the Hearts of Humanity


Please see the other two videos below and a new blog on obstacle removal, creativity, and abundance Part 1 on

When we compromise our integrity, honesty,
dignity compassion, intuition (knowing what we know yet we do and say nothing)-  and--Self-esteem------our Soul is lost and fragmented
we have the opportunity to own this heal and reintegrate ourselves---- and start a new life--the issue is that we have to WANT it.

Humanity Healing: Do Not Call Me A Stranger

see also below for a new video on global humanity.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gayatri Mantra - For All People

This mantra is very useful and soothing to help heal emotions, thoughts, feelings and issues re: abuse and misuse of any kind.  Allow anything to well up from inside the heart --be it tears, shouting, anything to help release and clear---make sure you are safe and if not seek professional help as well.

It means, "May we mediate on the glory of the being that produced this Universe------ may he/she enlighten our minds".......


The Beaten Heart

We can be victimize but ultimately we are not victims--There is always something to learn and grow from despite the pain and issues.  When we are in the middle of the fire, we are burning and we cannot see anything else.  We cannot see those who love us on one side of the fire and we cannot see the ones who have tortured us in one way or another on the other side of the fire.  Yet, we suffer in the fire because we all react to trauma and the beaten heart in our own unique way while in the fire.

Dr.  R-------------It is not our fault---that is the wounded child taking blame for something we had no control over ---at the time because we were where we were.

The Gift of Forgiveness

Forgive or at least be on the road to forgiving before the karmic doors of Fate close the doors and there is no further opportunity with that person until one leaves the body. And that too, there is no guarantee of an immediate meeting.

Who knows? By then, the person may take another birth or may go into a higher dimension that we are not allowed in, and then we have to wait eons of eons upon eons to forgive and to receive forgiveness. And we may have to reincarnate with that person at a much later time in often worse circumstances.

We are all humans we are flawed by virtue of the ego. We have all made so- called mistakes that are in essence learning lessons to those we have hurt and who have hurt us. The point is to own them and then bring them to the Light.--The Light is all pervasive and infinitely loving:  it sees all, knows all, bears all--it knows past present and future simultaneously-

We have to release through the power of forgiveness if we want truly lasting peace. This is the first step to create a mature relationship with others and ourselves.

The skeletons from our closets need to be buried properly. The dead weight around us needs to be cremated. We need to rise out of the ashes like a phoenix into a new life.

Previous harsh words, actions, and choices that have deeply affected another's heart and vice versa all can be offered to the Light.

If it is possible, it is best to speak directly to that group or person unless it would harm them in some way.

However our guidance will tell us when and if it is safe.

Most of the time the other person or parties do want to heal if they are in touch with their hearts as well.

No real blessings and love can arise for us if we are haunted by our own hearts with unresolved feelings and sharings that do need to take place through the need to forgive and be forgiven.

If it is not possible to be directly with that person then we have to practice inside our hearts, as these videos beautifully illustrate....

Dr. R

Friday, February 25, 2011


Here is a fantastic video on the Avatar concept---it is quite different than the movie folks!! The movie took the concept way out of context although the story was great in my opinion

Also see below on Mother Meera, one of many Avatars I have personally worked with and I have written about the last two years or more.

DR rama

Mother Meera's Darshan

Mother Meera as I have written before is a pure being of Light, an Avatar who bestows direct light awakening through her gaze, will, word, and touch. She bestows this in silence one at a time in her programs.

please see

Please also see the video of the avatar on and I posted it just above the mother Meera post.

As I have written before, her presence is very rare upon this planet.

Few of this magnitude come here; for often, other such similar beings in higher worlds do not concern themselves with uplifting humanity; they remain in higher spheres. She has the ability to awaken our dormant bodies, Soul, mind and heart and kundalini energy directly through the highest inner Light.

She is an extraordinary Soul and bestows her grace in silence. Patiently and meticulously with great love and care--- and without fail, as a gift to humanity she bestows this Light to several hundred at a time. One need not even be in her physical presence---she maintains that one only think of her and ask for her help and it is given in its own time.   See her website for more details

Imagine the immensity and strength she has to bear of the enormous force of the inner dormant Light.  She has to be able to go to that level of Creation--merge with the infinite Light Source and  turn around and pass it on to us a little at a time.

She is a forerunner of many who will come and do this kind of work.

There were many destined for work like this and to assist those who will bestow this kind of Light in the near future, but they have allowed deep darkness to interfere with their original purpose--

They have allowed themselves to be corrupted within the heart.--and they are a slave to fear and their own resistance--and so can remain stuck.  These include Indigo Souls, Crystal and Rainbow Souls (from the late 1970's onward) that I have written about and where I have put many videos on. 

Yet, such souls still have the ability to awaken and heal and move back to their path of healing, health, Light bestowal, other services and so much more---however they have to want it and show by example that they want the path of Light.

People like Mother never force anything or force people to do anything at all.

A person has to want to turn to Light, has to want to transform, uplift and heal. They have to come to a point to realize that nothing except Light and Love is going to help in life and living. They have to wake up to make their own sustained changes in their lives; no one can do it for them and they must reach out through their own volition. Some people are literally brought to their hands and knees to know this by the Universe, while others easily understand and proceed along their own path. Those that enjoy and remain in the dark are learning valuable lessons; however all Avatars and others do say that one day all turn to Light. It is only a matter of time. In can happen in this moment or it can take eons.

It is our free will that decides; it is the meter by which we evolve and grow.

And, we are all making choices at any given moment no matter who we are.

Dr. R

Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Change The World" by One Million V-Star Children & Howard McCrary

WATCH THIS! What an incredible video from the Dhammakaya foundation---Children are the most precious gems in the world. We must all work for the protection and upliftment and enlightenment of children, not contribute more to their suffering.---Great karma ensues for allowing children to suffer,---globally and individually.

Children and all of us do have the power to change the world.

Group consciousness has a ripple effect in this world--knowingly and unknowingly --see the video on the Ripple Effect below also from

As bhagavan and amma have said and many others also    even a few hundred thousand or million has an effect on the consciousness of the whole planet--knowingly and unknowingly upon our minds and hearts.  Watching these kids how can we not as individuals realize there is the possibility of transformation?  It is there if we reach and even if we do not, the Universe never lets us stand still.  No one can escape transformation and change.

Dr. R

Awakening The Human Angels: The Holy Grails

The Twin Flame Blessing

Fortunate for those when they are both in the physical together on the same planet countless millions do not get this opportunity for eons up on eons of time; even more fortunate when there is recognition of each other.  Highest fortune is present when there is action taken when both Souls and hearts have this inner knowing and listen to the voice of the heart.---dr. r

The Power of Gratitude

The Golden Key

Starseed Activation 2: Hara Alignment

Awakening and Recalibration of Angelic Humans

Walk-Ins: The Wandering Souls

The Lightworker Calling, Part 1

Song of Ascension

The Pleiades Codex

Spiritual Networking