Sunday, August 7, 2011

How To Soothe Your Insecurities - Abraham Hicks

Here is a very good clip from Esther and Jerry Hicks, globally known teachers of the energy known as "Abraham"--- on You tube.  The last several minutes are especially interesting......  I have put on some on some of their intro videos on the other blog--- essence of spirit with dr. Rama before.   We do not have control over others' treatment of us but their treatment of us reflects something about ourselves.  When we change and transform within when we recognize it is something about "us" we are not doing it for the other person, we are doing it for ourselves.  In our transformation, if that other person is evolving then they have the opportunity to resonate with us in a positive way.  However, it is not important whether they evolve or not or recognize us or not.  The point is that we are growing and changing for our own sake.

Esther is able to bring forward the cosmic intelligence known as "Abraham" who is a remarkable group energy that guides and teaches.  This clip is great for those who deal with various people in life who show them reflections to learn from.

Their basic teachings are the law of attraction:  we attract in our life what we want or do not want in one way or another; we are Source energy and extensions of Source in body and thus master creators of our destinies; we have to move into the "Vortex"  a place of coordinated creative energies and the place of enlightenment to rediscover joy and every other positive aspects of Self, and that our purpose in life is to basically feel good---We have the ability to move away from anything and everything that makes us feel bad and to move into a place of good. We focus on what we want and not on what we do not.  We do anything and everything to feel good --in any way positive and leave behind and not focus on "what is" in our lives to realize that "what is" is only NOW.  By focusing on what we want---whatever we ultimately desire will come to us through our vibrational eschrow we have inside us:  the summary of what we are wanting. If we keep focusing on 'what is" we keep perpetuating what we do not want or we do not grow and expand from what we already have. We all  create a "vibrational eschrow"  where we place anything and everything into this that will take root and plant in one way or another because the Law of Attraction will bring it in in the right timing.

More Later Dr. R

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