Friday, February 17, 2012

Integrating the I AM Presence

Get away from Dark characters, draining individuals, and those who waste our time. Walk away from our past life of lack of service to humanity and our community. Realize that the Dark deliberately keeps us distracted and dissipated through addictions, illegal practices, meaningless dialogue, noisy atmospheres with loud music, dogs barking, people endlessly chattering, frivolous pursuits that lead nowhere, jobs and tasks that only lead us into more trouble, worsening debt, relationship chaos and arguments, dark sexual practices, and unfulfilled promises of money, power and fame. Endless watching of television only leads to more lack of concentration and focus on our real purpose for being on this planet and takes time away from our own inner journey.

Realize that toxic, dark relationships will never bring us happiness; they will NEVER bring the real love that we so desire and want in our lives.

Only those in Light, friends, Soul mates and others will bring us the love in relationship that we want. Realize that our own low Self-esteem issues draw to us the type characters that are around us: positive and negative.

Stay alone, have some time to ourselves to contemplate, reflect and to just think for ourselves independently without co dependently depending on others for our way of being.

When we are alone we remember our Soul purpose and mission on this planet-- we can remember our own nobility and who we are---away from all those people who constantly drain us of our vital life force.

Whatever our career is we can apply some aspect of it to service to the world in some small or large way. Those in health care or were in health care have a special obligation to help humanity in health, healing spirituality, medicine, and creativity through the power, skill and gift of the healing touch which is the reason we have gone into health care. Let us not let the Dark forget this goal--remember, the Dark distracts us from helping humanity and encourages us to destroy ourselves and others through Dark actions and choices. Remember the power of instant karma--however remember that free will and choice can override instant karma through the power of our own positive deliberate creation and actions.

The I am presence is our peaceful Self, our Soul force, our inner heart beat and breath, the place of pure knowing, conscience and wisdom that can get blocked by our negative thinking through the negative ego part of the mind. Let us not let the negative ego rule our lives, based on the influence of the Dark.

Meditate in any way that brings us peace, strength, love and wisdom. Through this kind of meditation we can see clearly how to proceed and which direction we really need to go. Meditation brings us inner clarity and strength to overcome our problems because it awakens our intuition. Our guides like Kwan Yin, Jesus, Archangel Raguel and countless others cannot help us if we are not listening with a quiet, humble and stilled mind.. and ..if we are distracted by horrific characters in our lives that have already wreaked damage and havoc in any way shape and form over our being. Remember we allowed such people and situations into our lives; however through choice we can have a new life as well.....

Let us not just sigh and say, "Yes! I need a lot of help..but it is too hard and too late; I will just stay status quo and allow other Dark people rule my life as if I am some kind of 'slave'.....I will stay at home and hide and avoid everything and everything will magically be better......since I am a 'nothing, a failure and a weakling and coward anyway' is all hopeless.....what is the use?.... I have already made too many mistakes; I have made many bad choices and have many, many regrets;  I am worthless, I am a bad person, I do not deserve a good Soul mate (even though there has been one or several there all along) .....and so on......" and yet do nothing about it. We are the only ones who will take care of ourselves. If we have this attitude we will slip further and further downhill. We are the ones who must take action or our noble mission and purpose will be lost.

Keep good company; seek out inspiring people and situations--ask for their help and support, or just even read about them for inspiration and guidance. Gravitate to the words of humanitarians, Siddhas, rishis, yogis, Divine Mothers, workers in the Light, Soul Mates, trusted friends, inspiring relatives, mentors, masters, sacred teachers, servants to humanity and anyone who will uplift not bring us down.

Let us not add to suffering humanity, let us uplift ---through the Light, not destroy through the Dark.

Get in touch with the " I am" presence the way Moses did and the burning bush.

The burning bush was his awakened crown chakra from the fully awakened kundalini energy where he heard and experienced the "voice of God" or the I am we can all do because the I am presence is the power of Light that exists within all.....

Dr. R

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